lightsabers, jedi, collection lightsabers, jedi, collection lightsabers, jedi, collection
lightsabers, jedi, collection lightsabers, jedi, collection lightsabers, jedi, collection

In the many years that passed after the Starwars saga - the galaxy yet faces another threat...More and more beings are getting tapping to the vast force that moves the galaxies and each for their own purposes. Abusing theirabilities in darkside, dark Jedis post a treath the peace. The Legacy of the force goes on. As skills evolve, so must the lightsabers for which the full strength of the warriors extends...

 Hardware Store Jedi - building your own lightsaberHere's a great site for learning how to create your own -personalized lightsabers:
Hardware Store Jedi by Michelle Klein-Hass

Fantasy Lightsabers

Fantasy Lightsaber Red Sun
Lightsaber - Fantasy Series Jedi lightsaber collection Lightsaber LightsaberJedi Collection

Lightsabers were created for the movie STARWARS by George Lucas, © LucasFilm Ltd. © 1999-2006 by IMAGINITY